Supergene oil palm or Tenera (which is the best)

why you should invest in oil palm

Do you have plans to go into Oil palm plantation and you are confused on the variety of oil palm to go for?

This article will explain all you need to know about the Malaysian Oil Palm specie, popular called Supergene and our Local specie known as Tenera.

Many people are trooping into Oil palm plantation on a yearly basis because Oil palm has proven to be one of the best crops to invest in, with a massive ROI. Every tiny byproduct of it can be conveniently converted into money.

The Supergene oil palm is a better profitability than that of the Tenera Spp, It’s the secret behind the top ranking of Malaysia in the palm oil market , internationally. It can produce higher and better even without season and without fertilizer application. It starts producing  at least 24 months after the day of planting unlike Tenera specie that starts producing at least four to five years after the day of planting.

SuperGene Most Productive Oil Palm Hybrid

Earlier harvest (22 to 24 months) compared 36 to 48 months for Tenera seedling … first year harvest 7 to 8 tonnes FFB per hectare

• Significant higher yields … for each and every year throughout the 35 year lifespan.

• Lifespan Average FFB yield of 44 tons

• Higher Oil to Bunch Ratio – 25% equivalent to 11.02 tonnes of CPO perha/yr

• Dwarf Palm
– annual growth rate of 25 to 35 cm compared to 60 cm extends the economic cropping cycle beyond the normal 25-year lifecycle.

• Shorter Tree … Easy to reach speeds up harvesting … Harvesting cost is reduced.

• Tree diameter and circumference is bigger
… supports more branches & more fruits … reduces gravity effect allowing easy transfer of nutrients from soil to fruit … allows the tree to thrive better in dry season … wider gap between leaves stem results in an increase in photosynthesis for more robust growth

• More Disease Resistant
compared to Tenera

• Higher Oil-to-Bunch Ratio
… more than 25% … bigger seed, thinner shell and smaller kernel compared to Tenera

• More Female Flowers
… ratio is 2 times higher than the normal species.

• Longer Tree Lifecycle
… 30 years for fruit bearing as well as income generating period is longer
“SuperGene” Introgressed Hybrid Oil Palm
Average yield over 25 years lifespan – 44 tons FFB/hectare or over 10 tonnes of Oil based on Oil Extraction Rate of 23%.Yields can be enhanced with the use of high performance liquid plant fertilizers and high yield hybrids.

Interested in setting up a farm?

No matter your budget or the size of your farm, our team of Agricultural Experts can help you  set up your farm. We set up farms across Africa with our experience and expertise, and modern day state of the art equipment and techniques your farm is up and running in no time.

6 thoughts on “Supergene oil palm or Tenera (which is the best)”

  1. Hello,
    I’m interested in your oil Palm seedlings. Would love to visit your farm/nursery and talk with someone from your team.

      1. Ike phil ejiofor

        I am very much interested in knowing more about your farm best oil plam seedlings called supergene… this context prize and how to order.

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