

Do you wish to get the best out of avocado farming? We have the right seedlings to get you started!

  • Our avocado seedlings are reputable for their earlier maturity period, astounding fruit set, and moderate resistance to diseases commonly affecting avocado production.
  • They are very suitable and adaptable to tropical conditions.
  • We deliver nationwide, make a purchase now.

Avocado seedlings

Our avocado seedlings are reputable for their earlier maturity period, astounding fruit set, and moderate resistance to diseases commonly affecting avocado production.

  • This variety is very suitable and adaptable to tropical conditions.
  • Read on as we give you tips that will help you get the best out of your investment in avocado farming.


Avocado seedlings: Planting requirements

  • Light: Full, indirect sun
  • Humidity: Moderate to high
  • Soil: Do not dry out
  • Fertilizer: Preferably 7-9-5
  • Shape: Pinch back top leaves to encourage new side shoots
  • Room temperature: 60° to 85°F (16° to 30°C)


Avocado plant care

  • Keep your avocado plant in a warm, sunny location.
  • Water frequently with an occasional deep soak. Keep plant moist but not overly saturated. As with most plants, make sure the soil drains well.
  • Pinch the stem back every time your plant grows another six inches or so, in order to encourage a bushier appearance.
  • If you live in a warm enough climate, plant your tree outside once it is big enough.


Avocado seedlings: Growing tips

  • Remember that avocado trees do best at moderately warm temperatures (60 F to 85 F) with moderate humidity.
  • If you plant during the summer, there is always the risk of sun damage, because avocado trees don’t absorb water very well when they’re young.
  • Plant it in a non-lawn area and away from sidewalks and, if you can plant it in a spot protected from wind and frost.
  • The avocado root system is very sensitive, and great care should be taken not to disturb it when transplanting.
  • If the tree is root-bound, however, loosen up the soil around the edges and clip the roots that are going in circles.
  • Avocado trees like the soil’s pH around 6 to 6.5.
  • Trees typically need to be watered two to three times a week.
  • As the roots reach out into the bulk soil, more water can be applied and the frequency of watering can diminish to about once a week after a year.
  • When watering the tree, soak the soil well, and then allow it to dry out somewhat before watering again.


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